905-999-2706 info@fiberco.ca

Fiberco Safety

Fiberco Safety

“At Fiberco Solutions , safety is our priority.”

We adhere to all safety protocols as outlined in our COR-certified Health & Safety Program.

We’re committed to :

Working with our employees to achieve excellence in safety performance. Providing proper training , equipment, support and tools to ensure the health and safety of our employees.

Continuously assessing, auditing and improving our health and safety program to reduce the risk of injury in a changing work environment.

At Fiberco Solutions, employees receive ongoing formal health and safety training that adheres to their respective jurisdiction of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and CCOHS ( Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety) standards .

Reach Us


1060 Salk Rd
Pickering Ontario


905 9992706

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